TA Coalition Webinar: Assuring a Child Welfare Competent Mental Health Workforce: An Overview of the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training (NTI)

The challenges faced by adopted, foster, and guardianship families due to traumatic life experiences, early losses and multiple moves can lead to developmental, health and behavioral challenges, and serious emotional disturbance (SED) all impacting family stability. It's crucial for child welfare and mental health professionals to enhance their skills and understanding of the adoption journey, as it benefits everyone involved as the transition from foster care to permanent adoption is a critical life event. Implementing adoption-competent education, resources, and support services plays a vital role in strengthening and stabilizing families.

This interactive and engaging webinar highlights these challenges and the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) which aims to provide the foundational knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to improve assessment and intervention, ultimately promoting family stability and the well-being of children and youth in foster care, adoptive, and guardianship relationships.

At the end of this webinar session, participants should be able to:

  • Articulate at least 3 core issues of adoption and the lifelong impact they have on children, youth, and families.
  • Describe NTI Training core competencies and curriculum model.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the value of collaboration between mental health, child welfare, and education professionals to promote permanency and well-being for children, youth, and families with specific examples from NTI sites.
  • Explore benefits of integrating NTI into an organizational training milieu.


Registration Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkduiupzsvG9Di4THm8XQHKnHM1tSPngfm