TA Coalition Webinar: Youth in Crisis: Supporting Youth through School- and Clinic-based Mental Health Programs

A SAMHSA sponsored webinar presented by Mental Health America (MHA) will take place Wednesday, April 3, 2024 from 11:30am-1:00pm Eastern Time titled Youth in Crisis: Supporting Youth through School and Clinic-Based Mental Health Programs

Register Here


Trauma harms children emotionally, psychologically, and biologically and untreated experiences can lead to suicide, substance abuse, serious emotional disturbance, poor school and work performances, social maladjustment, and decrease health and well-being. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states that one in six children and adolescents ages 6-17 years old will experience an adverse childhood experience and/or serious mental illness and that 50 percent of those mental health disorders will surface around the age of 14. The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many Americans and research reflects an increase in alcohol use and at least one illicit drug use disorder in the past years.

In this presentation, we will address how youths facing traumatic episodes have developed unhealthy coping skills that negatively impact their academic success and developmental growth. We will offer helpful strategies for addressing trauma and grief, substance abuse, and other barriers that can negatively affect student learning, growth, and development through school- and clinic-based mental health programs.

 Learning Objectives:

  1. To provide strategies for working collaboratively with school and community partners to provide a systemic approach to mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences on student learning and growth.
  2. To increase awareness of how to effectively implement trauma-informed practices through a school-based mental health program.



  • Dr. Deborah E. Purge (Lead Presenter), Center Manager, Dallas ISD
  • Dr. Tracey Brown, Executive Director of Mental Health Services, Dallas ISD
  • Crystal Arriola, Center Manager for the Mental Health Services Department for of the Dallas Independent School District


If you have any questions, please contact Kelle Masten via email at kelle.masten@nasmhpd.org or Paige Thomas at paige.thomas@nasmhpd.org.

Live closed captioning and ASL interpreters will be available for this webinar.

***Post materials will be emailed to you within a few days after the webinar.  This will include the recording link, powepoint slides and a certificate of attendance as we do not offer CEU credits.   

Thank you!